Your expert for tablet presses in Europe – and worldwide

25 years of successful cooperation with our customers

We are the experts for the design and manufacture of tablet presses for pharmaceutical research and development.  In our portfolio you will find mono-layer and bilayer rotary presses as well as eccentric presses for feasibility studies, clinical samples and small batches; not only in the pharma sector. We offer customized and simple yet effective solutions – to match your needs.

Service für Tablettenpressen

Regardless of model or manufacturer we offer a complete service for your tablet presses – worldwide! This includes among others the maintenance, repair, calibration or overhaul of your machines. This also applies, of course, for producers who compress metals, catalysis, ceramics, food supplements and feedstuff as well as confectionery.

Equipment für Tablettenpressen

With our TabCon series, the display-, regulation- and control devices for tablet presses, you take control again when the original equipment of your machine let you down. These can be universally retrofitted and come with less space requirements: the machine is now controlled only from a touch screen and you do not need a separate control cabinet anymore.

Directly available: Spare and wear parts in stock for tablet presses from other manufacturers

Spareparts in stock

NEW!   LUXNER CleanLine CL5

The rollable CL5 was developed by us for the flexible and economical production of small and medium batches, the scale-up operation and the clinical sample preparation.

More Information

Welcome to LUXNER Spezialmaschinen GmbH

Tablet presses, service and equipment from one hand

With our tablet presses, we are setting new standards in the pharmaceutical research and development.

Intuitive operation, solid workmanship and the flexibility of our machines as well as a competent, fast and friendly service have convinced our customers worldwide in more than 30 countrys for many years.

Since founding the company 25 years ago, we find solutions in the tableting area and learn almost every day. Of course also by our customers. So we have become experts in this field, from which your company can benefit.
